year: 2007
cast: Keri Russell, Jeremy Sisto, Andy Griffith, Adrienne Shelly
writer/director: Adrienne Shelly
rating: ***

After learning of HEXED actress Adrienne Shelley's murder, I rented her only directorial effort (in which she also co-stars and wrote). For a chick flick it delivers. The main character, a waitress, played by cute Keri Russell, is a great pie maker and creates pies for every event in her life, sometimes for real and other times in her mind. She has an abusive husband and has a surprisingly lustfull affair with a nice married doctor. She puts up with an old crabby customer, played by Andy Griffith, who happens to own the diner, and after awhile our heroine wins him over. It's a pleasant film that at times suffers from its own contrived oddity, but in the end there's no bad aftertaste. It's quite sweet actually if that's what you're after.

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